In this Post we will be looking at how to make these Necron Tomb world bases to hopefully help inspire you with making some for your own Necron army, or perhaps some nosy Adeptus Mechanicus Digging around where they shouldn't. I will talk about the materials used, and steps that you can go through in order to get an effect that I think work quite well to get a nice and easy result, suitable to a whole army without being too stressful.
Materials and Tools
For these bases you will need to source a few materials. There are only a few that I would consider required for these bases and there is a lot of room for customising them up and making them your own.
The essential:
- Base
- Super Glue
- Cereal Box Cardboard
- Ball Point Pen
- Scissors
- Texturing Materials
The Useful:
- Hobby Knife
- Milliput
- Painting Supplies
- Colour Shaper
The Next Level:
- Additional Basing Materials
First Stage - Cardboard for bases.
The first stage is getting the cardboard ready for the base. Try and cut a circle that will roughly fit on top of the base, it doesn't have to be perfect as we can easily trim it down later and fill in any gaps. Once you have a good circle that you can cut it up into any shapes that you want, or keep them whole if you like, you could also add cracks in the tomb world by cutting up the cardboard a bit more erratically if you want to go that way with your base. The shapes are up to you, for mine I like Having a few angular shapes cut in with gaps here and there to add other basing materials.
I glued the cardboard down with super glue, making sure that it is shiny side up. Don't worry about there being a bit of over hang or small gaps, there are things that we can do to clean it up.
To cut the edges I used my hobby knife, carefully running the knife down the edges in a downward motion as to avoid pulling the cardboard up.
To fill in the gaps takes a little bit more work. The first step for me was mixing the two parts of milliput together. Once it is ready to use ill push it into the gap with a wet finger to avoid it sticking to me. You can leave it be for a little while to firm up and then with something like a colour shaper or your finger carefully smooth it down around the edges, then tidy up any excess using your hobby knife to gently cut away any extra.
Second Stage - Necron Runes.
To do the Necron Runes and engravings onto the base I first wanted some inspiration to make sure that they all felt part of the same faction as the army that would be on top of them. A good place for this was looking at the transfer sheet that comes with various Necron kits. From these I see lots of patterns made up of lines and circles that gives me a really strong idea of what I want to achieve with the bases that I am making.
To carve out the grooves is very simple, all you need is a ball point pen. I like to do a lighter outline first to plan out how its going to look and then do a few more passes, pushing harder and harder each time making more of an indent until you have a nice groove that you are happy with.
Third Stage - The Extra Bits.
This is one of the stages where you can really decide how you want your bases to look. Adding things like skulls and bits from kits. Deciding on using various texture pastes, sands or other basing materials.
For my bases I wanted to paint over a texture paste. I also wanted some small stones and also made the decision to not have any skulls or other faction bits on my bases as I my Necron dynasty are only just waking up and there tomb world is based on the edge of the galaxy away from Imperial influence.
Now is a good time to add anything extra to your base, using super glue I added some small stones to help add some texture, you could also add any skulls or other bits that you want to help tell your story. The texture paste that I used for mine was Stirland Mud, this was just applied to all the places were not covered in cardboard in a nice thin layers that it doesn't overtake the cardboard too much and make it look sunk in.
Fourth Stage - Painting.
Now it is time to add some colour to your bases. For everyone it will be different and in the vast reaches of space there are endless possibilities. For my army I wanted a dark wasteland feel for my bases, My tomb world is nestled on a cracked, black moon, orbiting a lonely planet and I wanted to try and bring that forward a bit by using dark colours on the base.
I started by priming black, just a quick spray from the top and leave it dry. When it came to painting I first painted the base colours in, the tomb world parts were done using Eshin grey and then I dry brushed the black dirt with the same Eshin Grey. when that was dry I gave the whole base a light dry brush of Celestra Grey and that was it for most of the base.
For the Green Runes it took a bit more time. I started by carefully painting down each groove with Warpstone Glow. After it has dried I added Biel-Tan Green to give the faintest idea of glowing around the edges of the runes and once that was dry painting a thin line of Moot Green in the centre of each line.
After giving the bases a black rim they were complete.
Fifth Stage - Enjoy.
Now that the bases are done you can glue your minis to them and start conquering the galaxy. I've also added some extra bases that I did to show what they could look like for a more jungly tomb world, or a desert tomb world. I hope that you found this article useful for your own projects and if you have used any of the ideas found here Id love to see what you have come up with for your own projects.
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